
Posts Tagged ‘sales savvy’

Maybe THIS is why we don't want to sell anything today???

I get (and probably should) lots of questions about my success in sales. HOW can I outsell others in my industry or region? HOW do I get around this whole “can’t afford to buy” dilemma?  WHAT can other business owners do differently???

Truth be told, I often ask myself those same questions…. why would I be able to “sell” coaching when there are countless coaches who have more experience than me…. coaches who have published books – sometimes impressive ones… coaches who have invested MORE in building teams and online presence…. who are struggling to find clients?   Why me?  Well, the answer, is probably more simple than you imagine.  And perhaps, if you yourself are struggling to sell your products or services, even more straightforward than you would like to hear.

Why?  Why do most business owners take comfort in long, complicated sales training? And, WHY would I think that you WOULDN’T want a real-world, works-for-anyone, SIMPLE, STRAIGHT FORWARD plan to make more money in your business?

First, because if sales are so DAG ON complicated, we are free to think: it’s no wonder we are struggling the way we are.  Second, and most importantly, this obstacle course made up of some umpteen – step plan of cold-calling (NEVER do it!), prospecting (which sucks), positioning, posturing, dancing with the potential clients, sales presentation, prepping the close, fending off objections….. Well, it puts off the actual sale. When we are role-playing and practicing, and gathering material and creating brochures, we’re so busy…. we forget we’re not selling!

I’m not against reasonable preparation, and completely advocate investing (your time and money) in becoming an EXPERT at sales and marketing….In fact, your business income depends on it.   But,  I could just SCREAM out of total frustration when I hear these sales – shy entrepreneurs.   On the flip side, I could make a MINT selling some course or blueprint that promises increased business income WITHOUT EVER HAVING TO SELL.  (In fact, many companies do… bringing on reps with the promise:  These products LITERALLY sell themselves!! Uh – huh…)

Bottom-line:  Many very talented, inventive, innovative and brilliant small business owners are literally creating obstacles for themselves – desperate to push that scary moment where they may actually have to SELL something further into the future. As if by doing all of this PREPARATION, the masses will find out about us, track us down, ask us about our product or service… and then, of course, sell themselves and hand us the money.  Like Tory Johnson says often, “If you don’t want to SELL, you are far better off as an employee rather than an entrepreneur.”  Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Enough of my venting…. the answer to how I SELL – as a “nobody” without a book, without celebrity status, without a name people recognize – is super simple and you can do it too… in, like the infomercials promise, THREE EASY STEPS (Seething sarcasm NOT withheld):

  1. I embraced REALITY. The reality is that my willingness to, enthusiasm for, and fine-tuned ability to sell is the only thing standing between ME and the business income I want.  By the way, NO!  YOU – or your business or your industry – are NOT the exception to this reality.
  2. I determined to MASTER sales and marketing. I studied those who I KNEW were successful at sales. I became a student of those I bought from… and those I didn’t. I hired coaches, joined masterminds, and set out to make my sales process as enjoyable and as service-oriented as my coaching products or services themselves. (Thank you Steve Chandler!)   I learned the power of WORDS, Tom Hopkins’ use of “phraseology”, and began mapping out a SALES STRATEGY.  And then, WAY before I would have been deemed “ready” by any credible sales guru out there…..
  3. I woke up and decided to SELL SOMETHING ALREADY!

And, only then, was I in business!!!  Is it EASY? Nope.  Especially not at first.  Does it take practice? You bet.  Aren’t you born a good salesman or not?  Absolutely not.  Sales can (and should) be LEARNED – like any other skill.

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